• Exhibitions
  • Presentations & Texts
  • Teaching
Alison Crawshaw

Selected Exhibitions

Alison’s work has been exhibited internationally. Selected exhibitions include:
New Publics. BSR, Rome.
Percorsi Informali. Maxxi Gallery, Rome.
Bar for the Future. Belmacz Gallery, London.
Informal Common Grounds. nGbK, Berlin.
Common Ground. La Biennale di Venezia. 13. Venice Biennale.
The Accidental City. Rome.

Alison has also designed exhibitions and consulted on the realisation of off site projects for major arts institutions, such as the Serpentine, the Barbican, Nottingham Contemporary and Malmö Konsthall.

Presentations & Texts
Learning from Renee Gailhoustet. A presentation on Open Havelock at the Royal Academy of Art, London.
The Architectural Review. An article on Open Havelock.
Architecture on Stage. Presentation by selected emerging practices at the Barbican, London
New Architects 4. Survey of emerging UK practices produced by the Architecture Foundation
New Publics. Presentation on planning with Finn Williams and David Knight. BSR, Rome
An introduction to the outdoor sculpture of Camilla Low. Essay in Outdoors/Utendørs
What's that thing? Talk on public art for Spectator magazine. Architecture Foundation, London
How did we get here and where do we go? Article in Afterall
Nature and the city. Lecture at KULeuven, Belgium
Institutional forms and urban logics. In conversation with Frederick Wiseman. RCA. London
The Politics of Bricolage. Talks by BSR alumni, London
Percorsi Informali. Panel discussion, Maxxi, Rome
Lecture on Herzog de Meuron’s Pavillion. Serpentine Gallery, London
Lecture on Wolfgang Tilman’s exhibition. Serpentine Gallery, London
The Architecture of Play. Talk at the Institute of Contemporary Art, London
Rolex panel discussion. With David Chipperfield, Kazuyo Sejima and Hans Ulrich Obrist. Venice

Selected Teaching

Workshop Leader. Open Deposit. Università degli Studi di Camerino, Ascoli
Masters Studio Tutor. Institutional Forms and Urban Logics. Royal College of Art, London
Foundation Tutor. Architectural Association, London
Workshop Leader. Rome Reorientated. Roma Tre, Rome
Undergraduate Tutor. Cambridge University, Cambridge
Summer School Tutor. Get on Site! and Home is Everywhere. Bauhaus, Dessau.
Assistant Tutor to muf partners. Masters Studio. Alternative Legacy. Yale, New Haven.
Critic: KADK, KULeuven, Architectural Association, London Met, Cambridge, Chelsea, Bartlett, UEL and many others

Exhibition design. Malmö Konsthall

Get on site! Summer school. Bauhaus, Dessau.

Royal College of Art. Masters Studio, Work in Progress Show